as a Tai Chi Practicioner

I have been practicing tai chi for over three decades and have trained under several instructors over these years from around North America and China.
I practice the Yang, Sun, and Chen styles as well as the National Combined Routines. In certain styles, I not only practice the fist forms, but the various sword (straight and broad), fan, and other weapon routines.
Each of my teachers has given me a different insight into the beautiful art of tai chi – be it from the martial art side or health promoting aspects. However, I must say that my most recent instructors have had a big impact on my style and most importantly, on my enthusiasm for the art.
These inspirational instructors are:

as a Teacher

It felt like it was only yesterday, but I started teaching tai chi on September 2, 1998 (yes, the very day that the Swissair Flight 111 disaster happened) in a small community room in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Shortly after then I began teaching all across Canada. I really don’t believe it, but I have been teaching tai chi for about a decade now.